
Portugal property prices at new high

Desk Report: The value of houses calculated by banks when granting loans for the purchase of housing rose in March for the fourth consecutive month,… Read more

Portugal tourism 1

Portugal looking to attract tourists from new markets

Desk Report: Tourism operators aim to "foster the commercial offer of differentiated products for more demanding segments", such as cultural tourism,… Read more

Portugal PM

New Lisbon airport location announced

Desk Report: The Prime Minister of Portugal Luís Montenegro announced, in a statement to the country from the Prime Minister's official… Read more

Portugal new company

Number of new companies decline in Portugal 

Desk Report: According to Jornal Económico, between the beginning of the year and the end of May, 690 fewer companies were created and the annual… Read more


New UK PM visits Northern Ireland

Desk REport: Keir Starmer makes his first visit as UK prime minister to Northern Ireland on Monday, with hopes high on both sides of the political… Read more


Mosharraf Hossain appointed new NSI director

Desk Report: Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Barrister Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain has been appointed as the new Director of the National Security Intelligence… Read more


CCCI gets new administrator

Desk Report: The government has appointed Muhammad Anowar Pasha, additional divisional commissioner (general) of Chattogram, as the administrator for… Read more